
▸ les 37 dernières parutions

09.03.2025 à 20:31

Bitter Pill - Abdullah Öcalan calls for the dissolution of his organization, the PKK


On 27 February, Abdullah Öcalan, the imprisoned leader of the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) – which had been engaged in a four-decade independence struggle against the Turkish state – made a dramatic announcement. He called for the dissolution of his organization and the disarmament of all groups fighting for Kurdish liberation, abandoning previous demands for a federal solution, and instead advocating democratization within the country's existing political structures. Two days later, the (…)

- Kurdistan (Turkey) / , , , , , ,

09.03.2025 à 20:11

The People of Okinawa Stand Up for Women's Rights and Peace


Abstract: 2,500 noble citizens came together on the 22nd of December in Okinawa Prefecture, Japan to raise their voices against the recent increase in sexual crimes committed by U.S. military personnel against local women and children, members of a community that U.S. soldiers are supposed to defend. The rally arguably marked a significant day in Japan for the women's rights movement, a movement that protects women and children by sounding the alarm and ending the silence that has surrounded (…)

- Women (Japan) / , , , , ,

09.03.2025 à 18:30

Automobile (Allemagne) - « Aktionszeitung » : Qui nous sommes et ce que nous voulons

Initiateurs d'Aktionszeitung

Notre journal s'appelle « Aktionszeitung – journal d'action pour une industrie des transports porteuse d'avenir. » Il paraitra de manière irrégulière, mais toujours en lien avec les grands moments de l'actualité de la mobilisation dans le secteur des transports.
Chère collègue, cher collègue,
L'industrie automobile et ses équipementiers sont en pleine mutation dans le monde entier. Cette mutation pourrait modifier le paysage industriel en Allemagne au point que nous ne le reconnaîtrions (…)

- Automobile (Europe) /

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